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Edge Driver Installation Steps for the Zooz ZEN16 MultiRelay

Writer's picture: Bud Bud

Updated: Apr 7, 2024

The following is step by step instructions for installing the Zooz Edge Driver for the ZEN16 MultiRelay. I previously published instructions on my website to explain how to use the ZEN16 MultiRelay to remotely control any garage door. The relay was made functional by installing a Groovy Custom Device Type Handler (DTH) in the SmartThings IDE.

With the elimination of the SmartThings Groovy IDE, a Zooz Edge Driver has been developed to enable the use of the ZEN16 MultiRelay in the new SmartThings Lua based Edge environment. So assuming that you have this device and you would like to continue to use it following the elimination of the Groovy IDE, you should carry out the following steps to reinstall the device with the new Edge Driver.

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