The following instructions will provide you with the necessary steps for installing SmartThings Edge Drivers for the Ring Alarm Contact and Motion Sensors.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you currently have your Ring Alarm Z-Wave Device installed on the Ring Alarm hub or another Z-Wave hub you must delete and exclude each connected device from the other Z-Wave hub before adding them to SmartThings. Z-Wave devices must be exclusive to only a single Z-Wave capable hub. If you need to exclude your Ring Alarm device from another Z-Wave hub please reference the manufactures instructions for hub exclusion. If you need to exclude your device from the SmartThings or Aeotec hub, see the section below titled: "Exclusion Instructions"
If you have a new Ring Alarm sensor or you deleted and excluded your Ring Alarm devices from a different Z-Wave hub you are now ready to install your device to the SmartThings app. Before installing your device to the SmartThings app, you should download the Ring Alarm Custom Edge Driver to your Aeotec or SmartThings hub. The appropriate Ring Alarm Custom Edge Driver can be downloaded by clicking on the following invitation link: